Study on Exportable R&D Services from CSIR

Table of Contents

CONTENTS  (Download, 10.3KB)pdf

Executive Summary ( Download, 15.8KB)pdf

Chapter 1 Background  (Download, 114KB)pdf

Chapter 2 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (Download, 77.3KB)pdf

Chapter 3 Biological Sciences Groups laboratories  (Download,328KB) pdf

Chapter 4 Chemical Sciences Group Laboratories (Download, 215KB)pdf

Chapter 5 Physical & Information Sciences Group Laboratories  (Download, 210KB)pdf

Chapter 6 Engineering Sciences Groups Laboratories (Download, 344KB)pdf

Chapter 7 Observations & Recommendations11  (Download, 28.8KB)pdf


Annexure 1 (Download, 59.2KB)pdf

Annexure 1(II) (Download,115KB) pdf

Annexure 2 (Download, 26.7KB) pdf

Annexure 3 (Download, 61.7KB) pdf

Annexure 4 (Download, 61.7KB)pdf

Annexure 5 (Download, 58.3KB)pdf

Annexure 6 (Download, 60.1KB)pdf