As a part of the celebrations of AKAM, DSIR along with Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) had launched the “Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav” (RBSM)/” National Intellectual Property Festival” during the month of July 2023.
The objective of the campaign was to spread awareness about generation and protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, designs, semi-conductor layout designs and plant varieties across the country. The partners on the RBSM include the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM), Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPVFRA), National Research Development Corporation (NRDC).
The inaugural function of the RBSM was held on 30.06.2023 at New Delhi under the chairmanship of Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Science & Technology, Government of India. Nationwide programmes were organised targeting stakeholders who include institutes, industry, MSME, artisans, academia, researchers and students, besides the common public. NRDC under the aegis of DSIR conducted five workshops Pan-India on “Intellectual property Rights” in the month of July 2023. A Compendium on Intellectual Property Rights generated by the select industrial in-house R&D units with the Fiscal Incentive (FI) support offered by DSIR was released during the workshop at Puducherry. Total 189 events were organized by CSIR, the autonomous body of DSIR under the campaign. Interactions were held with the participating stakeholders during the campaign. Various valuable suggestions/inputs were received such as regarding current state of IPR generation and protection ecosystem in the country, need to enhance filings especially from Government Labs and industrial in-house R&D units, need to reduce period of IPR registrations and its cost, strengthening / developing of specialised Government institutions like NRDC for facilitation of IPR related services, and launching of ease of IPR registrations and protection in the country among others. The detailed reports are as under:
- Report of “Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav”/ “National IP Festival” from CSIR. (Download 25.3MB)
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- Report on DSIR-NRDC workshops conducted on Intellectual Property Rights –summary & key take-aways from NRDC. (Download 48.7MB)
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- Compendium of Intellectual Property Rights from FI Division, DSIR. (Download 10.5MB)
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Last Updated: 12/09/2023