Proposals invited under Consultancy Promotion Programme(PDF, File Size:20.94 KB)[11 OCT 07]
DSIR Invited Proposals under Consultancy Promotion Programme for undertaking studies on 'Export Potential of Consultancy Services from India to select countries of Africa & Europe' (PDF, File Size:16.37 KB)[30 JUL 07]
National Database of Consultants and Consultancy Organizations - Invitation for Registration
Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi
Consultancy is essentially a knowledge based profession and Consultants play an important role in technological, industrial and economic developments, and are effective agents of change in the society. Over the years, consultancy capabilities have grown in several sectors, public and private and more recently a number of foreign consultants have also started operations in India. The performance of Indian consultants has been progressing. The consultancy exports has risen from Rs. 1700 crores in 1994-95 to Rs.4241 crores in 2001-02 including software export. The consultancy companies/firms have increased from about 500 numbers in 1986-87 to about 5,000 numbers now and the consultancy professionals from 10,000 to about 75,000. However, the domestic consultancy capabilities need to be further strengthened and skills be upgraded continually in several sectors, since the consultancy profession growth in India has not kept pace with the industrial and economic developments over the years. Thus, there is a need to support and strengthen the domestic consultancy capabilities, in order to meet the emerging challenges and business opportunities in domestic and export markets, particularly in the context of new policy environment and WTO. At the same time, there is a need for professionally competent and reliable multidisciplinary services at affordable costs to the clients including SMEs as well as for greater awareness about the role of consultants.
We have large skilled and trained manpower including scientists, designers and engineers, strong S&T facilities, and also vast industrial capabilities, there is immense potential for the growth of consultancy sector in our country, including for export of services similar to that of computer software and information technology.
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) is concerned with the task of Technology Promotion, Development and its utilization has taken several measures in this direction including promotion and strengthening the consultancy services in the country among its other responsibilities. Towards this, a Scheme Promotion and Support to Consultancy Services is being implemented in DSIR.
The main objectives of the Scheme are to strengthen and promote consultancy services in various areas including:
- Consultancy services for acquisition or import of technologies, requiring technological and managerial competence to evaluate the technologies and engineering them as per local requirements, Promoting quality Foreign Direct Investments (inward and outward).
- Consultancy services for export of projects, technologies and services and setting up Joint Ventures abroad, etc.
- Consultancy services for development and transfer of technologies from R&D institutes and strengthening linkages of R&D system with industry.
- Consultancies for new and emerging areas of national interest.
- Other areas as may be identified including special efforts for consultancies for SMEs and tiny sector.
Promotional Measures: |
1) Support to Consultancy Development Centre: As one of the promotional measures under the Promotion and Support to Consultancy Services scheme, Consultancy Development Centre (CDC) has been set up at New Delhi with the support of DSIR with the main objective of nurturing the growth of consultancy profession in the country. The important activities / projects of CDC includes Creation and maintenance of industry specific sectoral National online database of consultants and consultancy organizations in India, Export promotion of consultancy & management services, study on consultancy export potential in 4 African countries, for study on Environmental Consulting in India, study on export potential in Latin American Countries (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia), organising training programmes on Disaster management in Technical Consultancy Development Programme for Asia & Pacific (TCDPAP). The Centre is running a 24 months Post Graduate (M.S.) degree programme in Consultancy Management in association with Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani. CDC is equipped with the computerized facilities for collection and dissemination of technological and commercial information / data, relevant to consultants and clients. More information on CDC activities may be seen at CDC website : 2) DSIR Support to Consultancy Services in the domestic, export markets: In addition to above, support has been provided to various consultancy organizations/institutions to carry out many programmes/projects which include Directories of Consultancy Services from India, Consultancy Capability Studies reports in several industrial sectors. in addition. Consultancy Capabilities in select States have been documented. To provide door-step consultancy services to SMEs, Consultancy Clinics/ incubator facilities in important industry clusters have been supported. To develop sector-specific design engineering and consultancy capabilities, a Centre for Food Processing Technologies & Services Centre (FPTSC) has been setup by Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) and U.P. Industrial Consultants Ltd. at up at Kanpur and Lucknow. More consultancy Clinics/ Incubation facilities and design engineering centers in important industry clusters will be setup to assist SMEs. . At the international forum, to develop regional capabilities and cooperation in the area of technical consultancy, the Technical Consultancy Development Programme for Asia and the Pacific (TCDPAP), a joint initiative of DSIR and ESCAP is being supported for which secretarial services are being provided by CDC. Efforts are being made to develop TCDPAP as an independent entity. Support would be generally considered by DSIR to consultancy promotion organisations / institutions and related agencies having good track record in the area of consultancy services related to technical, management and financial services for promotion and strengthening of consulting services through measures such as i. Strengthening consultancy capabilities
ii. Development of Consultancy for SMEs
iii. Documentation of experiences / information dissemination, etc
iv. Support to consultancy promotion organisations / institutions to enable them to discharge their functions more effectively.
Any other activity relevant to the objectives of the scheme related to consultancy needs & services for domestic and export markets, would also be considered.
Proposals Invited:
DSIR will consider proposals/programmes/studies etc. which are within the pursuits of the programme as indicated above. Demand / market driven proposals in collaboration with concerned associations or promotional agencies would be encouraged. Interested organisations / institutions can submit well defined proposals with clear objectives for consideration of DSIR.
Guidelines and Application Format: |
Download as PDF |
List of Projects Supported
Click here(PDF, File Size:212.06 KB) to see the list of Projects Supported under CPP [11 OCT 2007]
For additional information, Contact:
The Head
Consultancy Promotion Program
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016
Phone: 26518103, 26590404
Fax : +91 11 26960629, 26518103
Email :
Last Updated: 11/10/2007