A Compilation of Foreign Collaboration Approvals


A Compilation of Foreign Collaboration Approvals (Prepared under the National Register of Foreign Collaborations) 2001

An Overview

1. General

Foreign collaborations, approved by the Government during the year 2001 are presented in this volume. These include approvals accorded by the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance of Ministry of Commerce and Industry and also the Reserve Bank of India under the automatic route. These have been grouped sector wise, country wise and others to facilitate easy reference.

In the Tables that follow, sector wise and country wise analysis of number of foreign collaborations, foreign investments and technology payments approved during the year 2001, as well as, for the twenty one year period 1981-2001 is given. Pictorial presentation is also given. Particulars relating to the different collaborations are arranged sector wise in the main body of this compilation. In Annexure-I, the index of applicant wise 
collaborations have been given, arranged alphabetically and in Annexure-II these are arranged country wise.
A total of 2270 collaborations were approved during 2001 (including 540 amendment of previous approvals) as compared to 2144 during 2000.

Year wise account of foreign collaboration approvals during the period 1948-2001 is given in table 1; while figure-1 gives pictorially, their growth for the period 1961-2001.

As per the Policy, collaborations in certain specified industries and within specified payment terms are approved by the Reserve Bank of India. The number of such collaborations during the year 2001 was 1132.

2. Nature and Sector wise & Country wise Distribution

The nature of foreign collaborations and their sector wise & country wise distribution is given in tables II to 
VIII. From these tables sector wise and country wise distribution of foreign collaborations, is summed up as under:

(I) Total Collaborations (Nos.)

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Sector Country Total
USA Mauritius UK Germany Japan< Singapore Others
Consultancy & Other Services 393 140 84 32 19 70 303> 1041
Electrical & Electronics 64 50 16 18 10 7 86 251
Chemical 32 8 20 15 9 5 85 174

Mechanical Engineering

20 1 13 24 15 2 40 115
Transportation 16 1 5 8 39 1 33 103
Others 126 42 53 65 19 25 256 586*
Total 651 242 191 162 111 110 803** 2270

* Other sectors include Industrial Machinery (66),Metallurgy (39), Textile (31), Machine Tools (14), Alternate Energy Source (7) and Miscellaneous (429).

** Other countries include Netherlands (106), Italy (61), France(60), Switzerland (45), South Korea (34), Sweden (26), etc. 

From the above, it will be seen that USA has the largest share of collaborations, followed by Mauritius, UK, Germany, Japan and Singapore. The maximum number of collaborations are in Consultancy and other services followed by electrical & electronics, chemical, mechanical engineering and transport sectors.

(II) Technical Collaborations (Nos.)

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Sector Country Total
USA Japan Germany UK Others
Consultancy & other services 20 - 1 3 15 39
Chemical 7 6 1 4 14 32
Electrical & Electronics 5 6 7 5 17 40
Mechanical Engineering 6 9 12 6 15 48
Industrial machinery 7 9 9 1 9 28
Others 22 2 6 11 55 112*
Total 67 18 36 30 125** 299

* Other sectors include Transport (35), Metallurgy (13),Textile (11), Alternate Energy Source (3), Machine Tools (1) and Miscellaneous (49). 

** Other countries include Italy (22), South Korea (13), France (8), Switzerland (8), Sweden (6) etc.

(III) Financial Collaborations (Nos.)

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Sector Country Total
USA Mauritius UK Germany Japan Others
Consultancy & other services  373 140 81  31  19 358 1002
Electrical & Electronics  59  49  11  11  4  77  211
Chemical  25 8 16 14 3 76 142
Mechanical Engineering  14 1 7 12 6 27 67
Industrial Machinery 9 1 3 9 3 13 38
Others 104 42 44 49 35 237 511*
Total  584 241 162 126 70 788** 1971

* Other Sectors include Transport (68), Metallurgy (26), Textile (20), Machine Tools (13), Alternate Energy Source (4) and Miscellaneous (380).

** Other countries include Singapore (107), Netherlands (96), France (52), Italy (39), Switzerland (37), Australia (27), South Korea (21), Canada (21), Malaysia (16), Belgium (13), Denmark (10) etc.

3. NRIs Collaborations

NRIs have participated in 99 collaborations, all of which are financial in nature. The break up of NRI collaborations is as below

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NRI non-repatriable equity participation only 33
NRI repatriable equity participation only 43
NRI both repatriable and non-repatriable equity participation 4
Both NRI & Foreign equity participation 1
NRI non-repatriable equity participation & Foreign equity 13
NRI repatriable equity participation & Foreign equity 5

4. Sector wise Country wise Distribution (1981-2001)

The sector wise distribution of foreign collaborations is given in table II as well as in figure-2 and country wise distribution in figure-3. The distribution country wise and sector wise over the 20 year period 1981-2001, is as below.

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Country wise Distribution (1981-2001)
% of Total Nos. of collaborations
USA 21.6 %
Germany 12.9 %
UK 11.0 %
Japan 7.4 %
Italy 4.7 %
France 3.9 %
Netherlands 4.0 %
Switzerland 3.7 %
Mauritius 3.7 %
Swedan 1.5 %
Canada 1.3 %
Others 24.3 %
Total 100.0 %
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Sectorwise Distribution (1981-2001)
% of Total Nos. of collaborations
Consultancy & other Services 20.8 %
Electrical & Electronics 16.2 %
Chemical 11.7 %
Mechanical Engineering 9.1 %
Industrial Machinery 8.3 %
Metallurgical 3.7 %
Machine Tools 1.3 %
Alternate Sources of Energy 0.5 %
Transportation 5.4 %
Textile 1.9 %
Others 21.1 %

5. Foreign Investment 

Total foreign investment approved during the year 2001 has been Rs. 26653 crores, representing an decrease of 28.3% over corresponding figure for the year 2000. NRIs have contributed Rs 567 crores or about 14.3% of this investment. About 9% of the NRI investment is on non-repatriable basis and the balance 85.7% on 
repatriable basis. In 2000 the corresponding proportion of non-repatriable and repatriable basis was 4.5% and 91% respectively. The sector wise and country wise break-up of the foreign investment is given in table X, which is summarized below.

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Foreign Investment (Excluding NRI investment (Rs. in Crores)
Country Sectors Total
Chem. Elec. Mech. Ind. M/c Met. Others
USA 357.82  2045.12  84.55 171.51 800.67  1450.81  4910.48
Mauritius 20.87  1480.21  2.50  19.60 -  1493.76  3016.94
Japan  1.13  46.30 - 2.58 -  691.68  741.69
Germany  22.34  12.79  24.99 108.25  82.22  258.48  509.07
UK  932.62  3451.83  15.80  0.33  10.00  587.10  4997.68
Netherlands  22.37  3455.12  23.35 - 22.50  142.14  3665.48
Italy  102.19  0.04  15.12 10.00 -  44.14  171.49
Singapore  0.29  86.14  0.05 - - 187.13  273.61
France  495.82  92.69  1.14  -  0.10  97.11  686.86
Others  5154.95  245.53  16.96  24.43  55.26  1616.20 7113.33*
Total 7110.40 10915.77  184.46 336.70 970.75 6568.55**  26086.63

* Other sectors include Consultancy and other services, Transport, Alternate Energy Source, Textile, Machine Tools and Miscellaneous sectors, the figures for which are 4625.00, 669.24, 40.28, 10.19, 10.60 and 1213.24 respectively.

** Other countries include Switzerland, Malaysia, South Africa, Austria, Canada, Australia, Denmark, South Korea and Sweden whose figures are 107.50, 105.80, 66.80, 64.45, 53.73, 24.93, 7.68, 6.89 and 236.54 respectively.

6. Country wise Foreign Investment (1981-2001)

For the period (1981-2001) the country wise break-up of foreign investment approved is given in figure-4 from which it will be seen that in foreign investment, the share of various countries is as below:

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Country wise Share of Foreign Investment (1981-2001)

Including NRI Investment


21.5 %


11.4 %

UK 9.6 %
Japan 4.0 %
Germany 3.3 %
France 2.4 %
Netherlands 3.2 %
Italy 1.7 %
Switzerland 1.1 %
Canada 1.0 %
Swedan 0.8 %
Others 40.2 %
Total 100.0 %

Sector wise and country wise distribution of financial collaborations,in various equity ranges, is given in table VIII.

7. Export Obligation

In all 41 proposals with export obligation were approved during the year 2001 out of which 31 were with 100% export obligation. Break-up of 41 proposals comprises of 19 in Consultancy and other services sector, 10 in miscellaneous sector, 6 in chemicals sector, 2 in textile sector, 4 in electrical and electronics sector. The break-up of 100% export cases comprises of 10 miscellaneous, 10 in consultancy and other services, 5 in chemical, 4 in electrical and electronics, 2 in textiles.

8. Royalty

126 collaborations have been approved with separate rates of royalty for indigenous sales and exports and there are 50 cases where the royalty rates are more than 5% in the year 2001.