Leadership Search for DG, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR] cum Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research [DSIR]


About Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), http://www.dsir.gov.in, is one of the departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The mandate of DSIR includes promotion of Industrial research for indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer. The allocation of Business for the Department is: (a) All matters concerning the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research; (b) All matters relating to National Research Development Corporation (NRDC); (c) All matters relating to Central Electronics Limited (CEL); (d) Registration and Recognition of R&D Units; (e) Technical matters relating to UNCTAD and WIPO; (f) National Register for Foreign Collaborations; (g) Matters relating to creation of a pool for temporary placement of Indian Scientists and Technologists.

About the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), https://www.csir.res.in, was established on 26th September 1942 as India’s premier chain of national laboratories. In 2014, CSIR has emerged as a chain of 38 laboratories located across the length and breadth of India with about 3900 scientists and total staff and student strengths of 16000 and 5000, respectively. CSIR is India’s flagship for industrial research and development and holder of the largest number of patents and other intellectual properties in force. Intramural research within CSIR laboratories span the entire range of biological, chemical, engineering, physical and information sciences related areas. CSIR supports also extramural research and provides doctoral and post-doctoral research fellowships employing transparent selection methodologies. Annual budget allocations of the Government of India (GoI) for CSIR exceed Rs 3200 crores currently. With extra budgetary Resources of over Rs 600 crores being mobilized by CSIR laboratories annually, CSIR has emerged as one of the major public-funded industrial research organizations of the world. Innovations have been the hallmark of CSIR. Recent initiatives like Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD), CSIR 800, New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI) have added new dimensions to the range of activities of CSIR.

Search for DG, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) cum Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

The Government of India (GoI) has initiated a search process for the selection of a suitable candidate for Secretary of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and DG, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The DG-CSIR is a coveted scientific position with a key role in the transformation of industrial research and development in the country. Public investments in research and development in India are substantial, and it is essential to leverage their R&D outputs for societal value through technology management and through enhancement and engagement of the enthusiasm of the private and industrial sectors in India. CSIR is in an ideal position to develop and use a number of innovative approaches to such leveraging, and the DG-CSIR as the chief executive officer of a large public-funded national R&D system is a key functionary in the change management of Industrial research in India. To lead a large Intramural research agency with scope and functions in diverse areas of R&D, the DG-CSIR is expected to enjoy high internal approval rates from the manpower base of CSIR and hence people skills are essential for enabling transformational changes within CSIR.

Nominations are invited from thought leaders in the Indian science and industrial sector with a focus on R&D in application and technology related areas. The nominee must be leader par excellence with high academic credentials and demonstrated strength in technology management. Charismatic leadership with proven strengths in change management practices of scientific organisation over a substantive period as leader of a large establishment in desirable. The current need of change management and organisational transformations would be best met by youthful and dynamic leadership. Nominations are invited of such distinguished scientists, engineers, and technologists.


Applications / Nominations may be forwarded to the address given below, latest by 10th January 2015:

Dr Anupama, IAS
Joint Secretary
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016

E-mail: jsa-dsir [at] nic [dot] in

On this website in all email addresses [at] = @ and [dot] = .

Last Updated: 24/12/2014