Compilation of Exportable Technologies/Projects from SMEs

Standard Technology Profile Format

  1. Title of Technology / Project

  2. Technology Description

(highlighting uniqueness of the product/process, environment friendly aspects, etc. and describing process, technical features, etc. through flow diagrams and photographs)

 3.   Technology/Product Status

(indicating the source of Technology i.e. whether acquired or developed in-house)

 4.   Company Profile  

Company Name




Contact person




Web Site


Year of Establishment


Product(s) Manufactured


Installed Capacity per annum


Production (last 3 years)


Sales Turnover incl. Product-wise Sales (last 3 years)


Exports incl. Product-wise Exports (last 3 years)


Conformity to Standards


Compliance to ISO


Foreign Collaboration


Manpower Total (Nos.)


Raw Materials / Equipment used


Effluent Generated


 5.   Broad Profile of Project Offer  

 Project Features


 Minimum Economic Capacity

 Land Requirements

 Building Requirements

 Plant & Machinery and Test
Equipment (FOB) US$

 Electrical Installation

 Implementation Period

 Manpower Required

 Raw Materials/ Equipment Required

Total Project Cost US$

a) Technology/Know-how licensing fee (Lump-sum + Royalty)

b) Project cost (Land & building, Plant & machinery, Training)

c) Joint venture project cost with equity participation  

 Expected Annual Sales US$


 6.   Form of Offer

(a)    Licensing of Know-how, Technology, Design, Drawings, etc.

(b)    Supply of Capital Goods and Plant & Machinery

(c)    Turnkey project

(d)    Joint venture

(e)    Consultancy & Training