Access to Knowledge for Technology Development and Dissemination (A2K+)

Access to Knowledge for Technology Development and Dissemination (A2K+) is a scheme targeted towards developing mechanisms to disseminate science, technology and innovation related information to industries, research and academic institutions, in-house R&D units of industry, Scientific & Industrial Research Organizations (SIROs), consultants, industry associations, techno-entrepreneurs, government departments and others.

Programmes supported are the following:

  1. Supporting industrial technology related studies (A2K+ Studies)  [26 MAR 2024]
  2. Supporting the organization of national and international conferences, exhibitions etc. (A2K+ Events)  [20 MAR 2024]
  3. Support for Technology Development and Utilization Programme for Women, including projects spilling over from the 11th five year plan (TDUPW)  [14 JUN 2024] UPDATED
  4. Continuing support to Technology Development and Demonstration Programme projects, spilling over from the 11th five year plan (TDDP)

Last Updated: 14/06/2024