VOL. 16 NO. 3 JULY-SEPTEMBER 1997 - RU on Internet

Vimal Kumar Varun

Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi
Internet: vkv[at]nic[dot]in URL: http://members.tripod.com/~vkv


1.    Varun - Patent and Other Internet Resources

This page is maintained by Vimal Kumar Varun. It provides information on Patent Resources on Internet, links to other URLs such as Search Engines, Indian Internet Search Engines, Indian Newspapers, India on Internet, etc. The page is continuously under development. Suggestions and comments are welcome at vkv[at]usa.net.

2.    Chemistry & Industry Magazine

Chemistry & Industry is an international magazine, published twice a month, provides news and features on chemistry and related sciences, as well as on the commercial and political aspects of these subjects. New advances in science and technology, in the industries that make use of such a advances and in associated issues like the environment, education, business trends and safety are also covered. The magazine is published by the Society of Chemical Industry, a learned society founded in 1881 to promote the application of chemistry and related sciences.

Chemistry & Industry News Database is the daily eye on events in the field of chemistry, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environment and agriculture / food science. Search the news database at http://ci.mond.org/news/newssearch.html. The daily news service is available through e-mail free of charge. Register at http://ci.mond.org/news/newsregister.html.

Contact: Society of Chemical Industry at webmaster[at]cheind.demon.co.uk for more information.

3.    Management Express

Management Express, an electronic journal for managers and management researchers, is the official journal of the Anbar Management Library online. The most significant new ideas and practice from over 400 world top management journals are brought out every week. It contains 40,000+ abstracts and full text documents are available by fax or mail from The British Library. Thirty-day free guest access is available to the library.

Areas of coverage include accounting & finance, Asia Pacific management, information management & technology, marketing & logistics, personnel & training, operations & production, management of quality and strategic management.

Contact: Mathew Wills, Vice President at mwills[at]anbar.co.uk or visit http://ourworld. compuserve.com/homepages/Mathew-Wills for more information.

4.    PubMed

PubMed, a World Wide Web retrieval service is a project developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] at the National Library of Medicine [http://www.nlm.nih.gov] located at the National Institutes of Health [http://www.nih.gov]. PubMed provides access, free of charge, to Medline, a database of over 8.6 million bibliographic citations and abstracts from over 3800 biomedical journals published in the United States and in 70 foreign countries in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and preclinical sciences. PubMed also contains links to full text versions of articles at participating publishers' Web sites. These links are made to the Web sites of participating publishers and may require users to register before being able to view the full-text. Currently there are 24 full-text journals participating.

PubMed is an easy-to-use search tool for finding journal articles of interest in the health and medical sciences. A unique feature of PubMed is the ability to find all related articles to a given article instantly. Related articles are pre-computed based on textual similarity. A special clinical query page provides customized searches for studies based on etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment of a particular disease. Search results can be viewed in various formats, including formats suitable for downloading into bibliographic reference manager software.

Contact: National Center for Biotechnology Information at info[at]ncbi.nlm.nih.gov for more information.

5.    WWW Translation Page

This site is maintained by SYSTRAN Software Inc. and provides translation of HTML documents. The languages pairs are English-French-English, English-German-English, English-Italian-English, English-Portuguese-English, English-Spanish-English and Russian-English. HTML documents containing frames and documents larger than 10K will not be translated. Input a fully qualified URL to translate and your internet e-mail address, so that the translated pages are sent across through e-mail.

Systran Software Inc. (SSI) offers complete, quality localization translation services using new translation technologies and its extensive expertise in languages and linguistic software development. In addition to qualified and competent human translators, SSI uses a combination of Translation Memory and Machine Translation technology to offer greater consistency, the highest accuracy and substantial cost savings over tranditional methods.

Contact: Systran Software Inc. at info[at]systransoft.com for more details.

6.    Superconductivity Papers Database

The Superconductivity Papers database is being constructed by Electro Technical Laboratory [http://web.etl. go.jp] and International Superconductivity Technology Center Foundation, [http://nehan. sendai.kopad.co.jp/ISTEC/index-E.html] in Japan for the purpose of supporting researchers concerned with superconductivity.

The database covers mostly the articles on superconductivity appeared after the advant (1987) of the high Tc in 20-50 scientific journals including review papers. In the field of organic conductors, literactures are traced back to the era of TTF-TCNQ (in the 1970s). It contains High Tc, C60 related, organic conductors, non-oxide superconductors including conventional superconductors and oxide conductors. The total number of articles are 33,000 as on June 14, 1997. The database retrieval items are serial number, title, author, journal, voolume, year and abstract.

Contact: Electro Technical Laboratory at evetm[at]etl.go.jp for more information.

7.    Matrix Informer

Matrix Informer, an Internet-based business information service that deals in exclusively with India and India-related topics, is recently launched by matrix Information Service Limited, a subsidiary of Kotak Mahindra Finance Limited.

Matrix Informer is an easiest, most economical way to get exactly the information you need, wherever you need it. It provides directory and financial information on more than 6200 Indian companies, reports on more that 170 industry sectors, the complete test of articles from 7 Indian newspapers and newswire service, and trade statistics for the past 5 years on all the countries India does business with. Matrix Informer is a paid service. The charges are based on the usage only and not for an entire database full of information.

Contact: Matrix Information Service Limited at info[at]matrix.co.in for subscription information.

8.    Unesco's Statistical Yearbook 1996

Unesco has collected statistical data on education, science, culture and communication for over 40 years and had built up on of the world's most important international databases in these fields. Each year this database is updated with new information received from all countries in the world. A part of these data is published in the Unesco Statistical Yearbook.

From the 1996 edition, which contains some 75 tables, following 11 are selected and are available on the interest: Selected indicators I; Selected indicators II; Educational attainment of the population; National education systems; Enrolment ratios by level of education; Education at the first level: schools, teachers and pupils; Education at the third level: foreign students by country of origin; Public expenditure on education; Science and technology indicators; Daily newspapers' Radio broadcasting; and Television broadcasting.

Contact: Unesco, Division of Statistics at statistics[at]unesco.org for more information.