Documentation and preservation of Agricultural Traditional Knowledge by using Modern Electronic Media through Farmer Participatory Approach


by Department of Agrl. Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agrl. University, Madurai.

DSIR has awarded the proposal "Documentation and preservation of Agricultural Traditional Knowledge by using Modern Electronic Media through Farmer Participatory Approach" submitted by Department of Agrl. Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agrl. University, Madurai. The project aims to identify the traditional indigenous technical knowledge for agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and allied enterprises from different farming situations like wet, garden, dry and coastal eco systems. The study has been conducted by involving farmers through farmers participatory approach rather than the individual household survey.

Some of the major outcomes of the project are given below:

  • Total 505 Indigenous Traditional Knowledge practices documented from 16 districts of Tamil Nadu.
  • Total 383 rational practices like Traditional varieties, Crop protection, post harvest methods, seed storage methods, farm tools, medicinal plants, ethno veterinary practices, fisheries etc based on Scientific Reason and Experience were documented.

DSIR has awarded the proposal "Documentation and preservation of Agricultural Traditional Knowledge by using Modern Electronic Media through Farmer Participatory Approach" submitted by Department of Agrl. Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agrl. University, Madurai. The project aims to identify the traditional indigenous technical knowledge for agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and allied enterprises from different farming situations like wet, garden, dry and coastal eco systems. The study has been conducted by involving farmers through farmers participatory approach rather than the individual household survey.

Some of the major outcomes of the project are given below:

  • Total 505 Indigenous Traditional Knowledge practices documented from 16 districts of Tamil Nadu.
  • Total 383 rational practices like Traditional varieties, Crop protection, post harvest methods, seed storage methods, farm tools, medicinal plants, ethno veterinary practices, fisheries etc based on Scientific Reason and Experience were documented.


For query, contact to

Head, TPDU
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016


Dr. T. Rathakrishnan, Ph.D
Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, 
Agricultural College and Research Institute
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, 

On this website in all email addresses [at] = @ and [dot] = .

Last Updated: 01/05/2009